Roll of Honour
Remember me,
Do not weep, stand tall,
Rejoice and celebrate,
I was here,
Those days on earth count as many,
Although to you too few,
We knew that one day,
My day would be done,
Old or Young,
Remember with fun, how I used to play,
Stay my memory,
of days gone by,
wipe the tears from your eye,
now the day is nigh,
look up into the night sky,
see the star, the bright one,
That is my beacon,
it seems I have a halo,
instead of a beret,
funny how I used to play soldiers,
then I grew up
it was real,
days stopped, world stood still,
I am not lost,
I am here,
Do not fear,
wipe the tear,
my journeys just begun,
Memories last, stars twinkle and fade,
But I have stayed as the moon,
Your world in your heart,
The boy soldier, the man soldier,
you gave,
I gave,
I am here amongst the brave,
Do not stand and weep at my grave,
Remember keep the home fires burning in your heart,
Memories keep you warm, hatred causes a storm,
and peace lets me rest easy.
Author Julie-Ann Rosser 2013.
Lest we forget
Our Successors The Rifles
Rfn D L Coffey
Rfn A Lincoln
Rfn P Donnachie
Cpl J Brookes
Cpl R Wilson
Major P H G Harding
Cpl J Rigby
Rfn Vakabua
Rfn J D Myers
Cpl P J W Knight
LCpl N B Long
CSjt A Stephenson
Rfn S B Watterson
LCpl R J W Baldwin
Rfn P Atkinson
Rfn B A Warren
Rfn S Nash
Sjt C J Reed
Cpl R Robinson
Cpl D Nield
LCpl S M Kingscott
Cpl T J Gaden
LCpl P Upton
Rfn J D Gunn
Rfn A Sheldon
Rfn C Thatcher
LCpl T Cheeseman
Lt P Mervis
Rfn D Hume
Cpl J Horne
Rfn W H Aldridge
Rfn J Backhouse
Rfn J Murphy
Rfn D Simpson
Rfn A Toge
Rfn D Wild
Capt M Hale
Sjt P McAleese
Sjt S Mcgrath
Sjt P Scott
Rfn P Allen
Rfn S J Bassett
Rfn A I Fentiman
Lcp D L Kirkness
Rfn J S Brown
Lcp C Roney
Rfn A Howell
Rfn C Apolis
Cpl S Thompsom
LCpl T Keogh
Rfn J Allott
Rfn L Maughan
Cpl L Brownson
Rfn L Farmer
Rfn P A S (Fatback) Aldridge
Lcpl D Cooper
Cpl R Green
Rfn M Marshall
Rfn C Johnson
Rfn M J R Kinggett
Rfn M Turner
Major J J Bowman
Sjt S Campbell
Rfn D Holkam
Rfn A G Arnold
Cpl I M Stallard
Csjt K Fortuna
Rfn M J Lamb
Cpl M Palin
Lt D J Clack
Lcpl J McKinlay
Lcpl P Eustace
Rfn S Steele
Rfn K O Etherridge
Lt A Chesterman
Lcpl J P Ross
Rfn D L Mitchell
Cpl R A Dobroczynski
Rfn P M Scott
Sjt R A Monteith
WOI A K Penhaligan
Lest We Forget
The Green Royal Jackets and Green Jackets
Major R N H Alers – Hankey
LCpl O M Alford
Rfn N A B Allen
Cpl R E Armstrong
Rfn M E Bagshaw
Bdsm G R J Baldwin
Cpl R Bankier
Wo2 G Barker
Bdsm M S Bayliss
Wo2 P J Bayliss
Rfn W N Beckley-Lines
Sjt E E Bedford
Bdsm R I Beer
Rfn C B A Bird
Rfn R S Blackledge
LCpl M D Boswell
Rfn A E Brown
CSgt P J Bryant
Wo1 T J Byrne
Lcpl D Card
Sgt M A Cameron
Rfn C V Campbel
Rfn A C R Chapman
LCpl S J Chappell
Rfn K Chavner
Wo1 L Collins
Cpl C C Cook
Rfn A Cottriall
Rfn I J Coman
Lt Col Corden-Lloyd OBE MC
LCpl D J Cronin
Cpl R Cross
Rfn J A Cullen
Rfn R A Davey
CSgt D V Daws
LCpl G T Dean
Wo2 J P Devine
LCpl D J Dixon
Rfn H Donaghue
Rfn R Donkin
Rfn A Dunne
Wo2 B JDunwell
Rfn J A Dupee
Rfn A R Elliott
Cpl R Elliot
Rfn P K Ennals
Sgt S R Eyle
Rfn P C Fairway
Rfn D T Fenley
Cpl N J Fewell
Capt T P Fetherstonehaugh
Rfn S Fisher
J.Rfn P T Flaherty
Rfn T P Flint
Major T B Fowley
Sgt R F Fry
Rfn A Gavin
LCpl I R George
Rfn M E Gibson
Rfn E C Godfrey
Rfn D A Grainger
Rfn D Griffiths
Rfn M H Gray
Rfn M A Hamblin
LCpl W J Harris
Col P R Hayter MBE MC
Bdsm J Heritage
LCpl T W Hewitt
Rfn J C E Hill
Rfn R P Hill
Rfn D R Holland
Rfn D Hudaverdi
Rfn H M Hutton
Rfn F J Hunt
Rfn A D Jackson
Rfn C J Jackson
Brig T G H Jackson
Rfn L C Jamieson
Cpl E R P Jedruch
Rfn J R Joesbury
Rfn D Johnson
Rfn J P B keeney
Rfn A C Kelway
Rfn P J Keogh
Rfn J W King
Rfn J A Lagan
Rfn S D Lambourne
Officer Cadet D M H Litton
Cpl R A Livingstone
Cpl D Lepp
Rfn J I Mackenzie
Cpl M C Maddocks
Rfn N P Malakos
Wo1 C J Manning
Sgt A F Martin
Sgt P J Martin
Bdsm G J Measure
Brig A H S Mellor OBE
Rfn J Meredith
Rfn J Milward
Cpl I R Morrill
Rfn P Morris
Cpl M W Mosley
Rfn A Mulgrew
Rfn D A Mulley
Rfn D P McGarry
LCpl R I McGowan
Cpl J R McKnight
Rfn D R Mclaughlin
Cpl R P McMahon
Sjt R J Naylor
Rfn A J Newton
Capt (QM) W H Norbury
Rfn M F O`Sullivan
Cpl P M Patrick
Rfn D W Parfitt
Cpl M J Pearce
Cpl M Phillips
Cpl R Poole
Rfn K G Porter
Bdsm K J Powell
Major J R C Radclyffe
Rfn C J Radmore
Rfn A M Rapley
Rfn M P Reece
Rfn/Pte R B Roberts
Capt R F Rodgers
Sjt T J Ross
Rfn K J Rowland
Major H L Ruck-Keene
Rfn C Saunders
Rfn A E J Scarlet
Rfn J Scott
Rfn R A Sharpe
Rfn M V Sims
Rfn P J Simons
Col J S C Simmons
Rfn M R Sinclair
LCpl A Smith
Bdsm L K Smith
Rfn JS Smith
Rfn N W Smith
Sjt R A Smith
Rfn P B Smith
Cpl W J Smith
Rfn k J R Sutton
Lt Col M V W Tarleton
Rfn J W Taylor
Major T E F Taylor
Rfn W T Telfer
Wo2 K P Theobold
Rfn MR Thompson
Colonel P Treneer-Michell OBE
Sgt L S Ubhi
Rfn J Meredith
Cpl L D Wall
Rfn D Walker
Cpl E T Walpole
Rfn R M Walsh
CSgt S J Walton
Rfn C J Watson
Rfn R Watson
Rfn R MT Webster
Rfn C R Wild
Rfn C Williams
Rfn W H Williams
Rfn VC Windsor
LCpl G Winstone
Rfn M J Wood
J/Rfn R D Woodhouse
Rfn P W Virgo
Gunner Utterridge Attached to 3 RGJ 19th Oct 1984
We honour all those
that served
and those that gave for our today
honouring all the regiments
who make up the family of green
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Light Infantry, (43rd and 52nd)
The King`s Royal Rifle Corps, (60th Royal American Regiment)
The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort`s Own)
The Green Jackets Brigade
Consisting of
1 Green Jackets (43rd / 52nd)
2 Green Jackets (KRRC)
3 Green Jackets (RB)
The Royal Green Jackets
including their successors
We also give a special mention
to our sister regiments:
The Brigade of Gurkha’s
2nd King Edward V11’s Own Gurkha Rifles
and the
Royal Gurkha Rifles
The greater family of Green
at their Ancestral home
Peninsula Barracks
“Once a Rifleman always a Rifleman”