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General Sir Frank Edward Kitson GBE KCB MC & Bar DL was born in London 1926 and educated at Stowe. His father, Vice Admiral Sir Henry Kitson has Captained the battle ship Rodney, and choosing to go into the Army rather than the Navy, Frank broke a father to son tradition of more than 200 years, Frank was a retired British Army Officer and author on Military subjects; notably low intensity operations. Kitson published; Gangs and Counter-gangs (1960) Low intensity operations: Subversion, Insurgency and Peace keeping (1971), Bunch of Five (1977), Prince Rupert: Admiral and General-at-sea (1998) and Old Ironside: The Military Biography of Oliver Cromwell (2004).
He rose to be Commander-in-Chief UK Land Forces from the years 1982 to 1985 and was Aide-de-Camp General to Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom from the years 1983 to 1985.
Army career
Kitson joined the Army as a Second Lieutenant on an emergency commission in the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own), he was appointed to a regular commission as a Lieutenant on 10th April 1948 (with seniority from 15th December 1946), and promoted to Captain on 15th of December 1953. He was awarded the Military Cross (MC) on 1st January 1955 for service in the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya; was awarded a Bar to it on 23 May 1958, for service in the Malayan emergency the previous year, the citation for the bar read:
The War Office, 23rd May, 1958.
The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Malaya for the period 31st August to 31st December, 1957:—
Bar to the Military Cross.
Captain (none substantive Major) Frank Edward Kitson, M.C. The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own).
For exceptional skill and leadership as a Company Commander during jungle operations. By his devotion to duty he attained the virtual elimination of two communist party branches in a difficult area.
He was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire in the 1959 Queen’s Birthday Honours. He was promoted Major on 15th December 1960, and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on 1st July 1964, and to the substantive rank on 31st December 1966. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 1968 New Year Honours. He was promoted Colonel on 31st December 1969 (with seniority from 30th June 1969), and Brigadier on 30th June 1970.
From September 1970 Kitson commanded 39 Airportable Brigade; which comprised 8 (frequently changing) Battalions, on short four month tours. A further Brigade was usually attached as Brigade reserve, but this could be employed elsewhere as required.
On the 15th February 1972 he was promoted Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his operational service in Northern Ireland the previous year. On 22nd January 1976 he became General Officer Commanding 2 Division, with the acting rank of Major-General, with substantive promotion following on 5th April 1976 (and seniority from 2nd June 1974), and leading its re-designation as an Armoured Division in Germany before stepping down on 28th February 1978. He was then Commandant of the Staff College, Camberley, 5th March 1978 – 18th January 1980. He was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KCB), in the 1980 New Year Honours. On 17th March 1980 he was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief UK Land Forces and Inspector General Territorial Army, with substantive promotion to Lieutenant-General (with seniority backdated to 17th August 1979). He held those appointments until 30th May 1982, and then became Commander-in-Chief, UK Land Forces on 1st July 1982 with local rank of General.
As is traditional for senior Officers of the British Army, Kitson held a number of more honorary positions, Colonel Commandant of 2nd Battalion, Royal Green Jackets 1st of January 1979 – 1st of January 1987; honorary Colonel to the University of Oxford Officer Training Corps 21st July 1982 – 21st July 1987; Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen 14th of February 1983–1985.
In 1985 he was promoted to Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE). He was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Devon on 19th June 1989
In retirement he has given evidence to the Saville Inquiry, into Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland.
General Sir Frank Kitson was one of the most senior Army Officers to serve in Northern Ireland during the Troubles that included Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy. He was also in Command when internment, which was a process of holding people without trial was introduced. Frank was heavily in counter insurgency methods, and established the Military Reaction Force (MRF) a undercover Army unit which was disbanded after 18 months. Counter-intelligence and counter terrorist operations were highly controversial in the 1970`s and was always left at Kitsons door.
Sir Frank was a highly decorated Officer winning the Military Cross twice for his service in Kenya and Malaya and much to the annoyance of the Irish Republicans was awarded a CBE for his gallantry for his time in Northern Ireland.
noteworthy; Sir Frank over saw operations of the 1st Battalion the Parachute Regiment ( nick named Kitsons private Army ) in Londonderry in 1972; known as Bloody Sunday.
Sir Frank became a visceral hate figure to the Irish Republican Army; his finger prints remain indelibly imprinted on these organisations.
In 2015 Sir Frank and the Ministy of Defense (MOD) where accused of complicity in an attack in February 1973 in which a 47 year old man was killed, because of negligence and misfeasance in office. This was the first time a retired senior soldier has been personally sued over alleged actions during the Troubles.
No General in recent times has provoked more intense and sustained controversy. General Sir Frank Kitson died aged 97 on 2nd January 2024.
He is survived by his wife Elisabeth Spencer 1962, with their three daughters.
Main body of text sourced from Wikipedia.
So the RGJA state they want to safeguard our Regimental Heritage, Yet its the RGJRA / RGJA who have altered the RGJ Cap Badge Worn,
so how is that safeguarding Regimental Heritage. ?
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PENINSULA BARRACKS was formerly called the Rifle Depot, Then the name Peninsula was given to the upper part of the barracks due to the illustrious history of the Regiments antecedents and their involvement in the Napoleonic campaign. Previously the barracks had housed the Rifle Brigade from 1856 and had formerly been the recognised training depot from 1858. The barracks has been home to soldiers of the realm since 1756, where it became a Prison with P.O.W. housed and troops billeted until its closure in 1986. Peninsula Barracks has been known by the following names The Rifle Depot, Peninsula Barracks and also home of The Light Division. It was the Ancestral home to the Regiment’s forefathers, who have all amalgamated and renamed to form the Green Jackets and finally The Royal Green Jackets, the Green Jackets where given Royal accent thus being called The Royal Green Jackets. The long association between the City of Winchester and the Green Jackets has helped weave a rich tapestry of Military involvement and standing, one of which the community has held in high esteem. In 2007, the Regiment became a casualty of the Government’s restructuring of our Military forces and sadly the announcement came that The Royal Green Jackets where to be disbanded, thus bringing sadness to the City of Winchester, the family of the Regiment and the Colonel in Chief Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Barracks houses a Museum which is a showcase for historians young and old, however it is the aim and objective of the family of the Green Jackets, the Veterans who proudly remember their brothers, who did not return, to erect a Memorial. The Memorial will be a quiet place of reflection, to enable young and old and the future generations to honour all the men of green and those that have served and are members of the Green Jacket Family.
The Memorial has been a collaboration of designs between the Curators, who administrate the venture, and are members of the family of the Royal Green Jackets. Both have worked voluntarily and their design has now gone out to a commissioned Artist. The design is in keeping with the surroundings and will recapture the history of all who have amalgamated to form the Green Jackets and finally the Royal Green Jackets. It will be a step back and a march forward into history, carrying forward the men who stood shoulder to shoulder as brothers in arms, men of green in service to their Queen and Country.
The Memory and The Tribute Chair now form a lasting tribute we remember, honour and salute those that are now resting High on a Hill at the Final RV, having lost their lives whilst serving with the Regiment during the years 1958 until 2007. The Barracks have been the Ancestral and now the Spiritual Home to the men of green from 1856 until 1986 some 130 years. It is equitable to bring to the attention of our visitor, that during this time a short break of residency was taken whilst the barracks had modernisation. The Regiment did not relinquish ties at this time, hence they moved back in after modernisation, during that time the troops were housed in another camp two miles on the outskirts of Winchester.

Prisoners of War at Winchester
In 1776 the American Colonists revolted against the British Government. Soon they were joined by the French and the Spaniards, England’s old enemies, who were burning to be revenged for the disasters and humiliations of the Seven Years’ War. The Dutch, too, assumed an attitude of unfriendly neutrality, which speedily developed into, open war, and Britain found herself involved in a world-wide struggle. Although in the end she emerged from the conflict beaten and shorn of her empire, yet during its continuance she gained not a few victories in minor engagements, and took no inconsiderable number of prisoners. It is of the fates and fortunes of some of these that the present paper treats.
Between the years 1778 and 1784 many prisoners of war found their way to Winchester, where they were lodged in the King’s House, used since 1796 as barracks, which were burnt down in 1894, and have been replaced by buildings devoted to the same purpose.
By the courtesy of Alderman Jacob of Winchester various interesting details of the sojourn by the Itchenside of these strangers have come to the writer’s hand: “Winchester in 1778 had certainly not more than 5,000 inhabitants, no public lamps, and only two constables who, being tradesmen, kept themselves and their truncheons at home. The King’s House, was literally crammed with French and Spanish prisoners, and to guard these poor victims of a great war regiments of Militia were quartered in the city and suburbs. Small-pox and other diseases, assumed the dimensions of-a-plague, as may be seen from the parish books.
In St. Peter’s, Cheesehilt, in 1761, out of 40 deaths, 32 were soldiers, and in 1753, in St. Maurice’s, 23 soldiers out of a record of 74 died of small-pox.”
On July 4th, 1778, orders were received to prepare the King’s House, Winchester, to receive the’ French prisoners, 500 strong, who had been taken by Admiral Keppel in the Pallas and Licorne. Attempted escapes were frequent, and on October 10th, 1778, we read that Elisha Gumison, John Lamoine, and John Meote, were tried at the Quarter Sessions for breaking out of the French prison, and were discharged.
On September 15th of the same year, the Commissioners for sick and hurt seamen asked for contracts for “Gentry Boxes and Hospital Cradles. — Apply to Mr. Pollard, King’s House, Winchester.” A grim comment on the glories of war ! On September 18th—”Last week it was ordered that French prisoners escaping are ‘ to be treated as felons, fettered, and sent to other prisons. Officers breaking parole to be immediately locked up with their men, without the advantage of an exchange till the war is at an end.
A French prisoner tried to break bounds. The sentries fixed bayonets, and he threw stones at one of them, who shot him dead.- The Coroner’s Inquest ” sat the whole day following upon the body,” and brought in a verdict of “justifiable homicide.” In September, 1778, there was an alarm of a French attack upon Portsmouth :—”We hear it is now determined by the French to invade Portsmouth, and the same hath been signified by a noble lord, who has gained by proper means the important intelligence.”
About three months later, we are told on December 12th, ” T h e French prisoners are not expected till next Tuesday, against whose reception the contracting bakers are hard at work, and a great number of oxen are de-pastured, to be ready for their support. The several regulations regarding prisoners of war, and adopted by the Commissioners, will soon be made public.” Just a week later the journalist writes: —” The unavoidable delay in fitting up the King’s House has retarded the’ arrival of the French prisoners ; however, everything being now ready for their reception, 300 are expected this day, and 1,200 on Monday and Tuesday, under a strong guard of Militia.” They had been locked up at Forton Prison with some Americans since July 27th.
I779 there was an attempt to escape.”On Monday night eleven of the French prisoners got out of their place of confinement at the King’s House by undermining the”wall. They were all taken and brought back next day, as was also one who had formerly made his escape.” On January 9th of the same year:—” On Wednesday last, a party of. French prisoners was conducted under a strong guard of the Lincolnshire Militia to the King’s House, which begins to be very full.
Many of them were barefooted and came sick and weak ; but such care has been taken of them with, regard to proper food and clothing. that they soon recovered, and only one has.died out of near a thousand.” Their lot was far from being enviable. April 3rd, 1779 :—”This week one of the prisoners in the King’s House threw himself into a well, where, notwithstanding he was soon taken up, and proper means used to recover him, he was drowned. A distemper which carries off many of these unfortunate, men at present rages in this prison.”
On the same date :—” The King’s House, where the French prisoners are confined, is not going to be enlarged, as reported, but some of the apartments which were never yet completed farther than the brickwork {it was an old palace left unfinished by Charles the Second), are immediately to’ be put in order to receive an additional number of captives from other prisons.” The garrison and the number of prisoners were alike large. May 15th, 1779 :—” Two more regiments of Militia are ordered on duty for this city on account of the daily increase of the French prisoners in the King’s House.
The King’s House, in which the French prisoners are now confined, is one of the most convenient places for the purpose of any in the Kingdom. It was originally intended for a royal palace,’begun by Charles the First (sic), and, if carried on according to the plan first laid, would have been one of the most commodious palaces in Europe. It now consists of one complete set of rooms of three stories in height, and will hold 3,000 people on an emergency. The airing ground now consists, since its enlargement, of four acres.” Any chance of escape was good enough, however unsavory.
July 3rd, 1779 :—”Yesterday four of the French . prisoners attempted to make their escape by getting into the drain, but were prevented, by one of the guard.” Still they came. August 21st:—”.There have been, no less than 1,000 French prisoners brought here under strong guard in the course of ten days past, in order to be lodged in the apartments . in the King’s House, lately fitted up for their reception, and many more are expected in a short time.
There are now near 3,000 here.” Sensational rumours are not a modern monopoly. August 28th, 1779 :—” It is. a fact that one of the French officers here, who.was captain of a Dunkirk privateer, declared to one of his acquaintance in this city, that the combined fleets of France’ and Spain at present consist of 123 sail, 66 of the line, the rest frigates. That it is settled that the Dutch are to assist France with 14-sail of the line, and the French monarch’s brother invited to be King of Ireland.” Where did all the prisoners find room ? ‘ The packing of the proverbial herring cannot compare with the crowding at the King’s House, Winchester.
“On Tuesday and Thursday last, nearly 500 more French -prisoners were brought to the King’s House here.” Pass another week, and “we hear that there are in the course of a few weeks no less than 1,500 more French prisoners coming to the King’s House from Plymouth and other places.” On September ninth there was grave anxiety in Winchester :—” On Tuesday last there was a very numerous meeting of the inhabitants of this city and suburbs, to take into consideration the proper means- of having the French prisoners guarded in case the two regiments quartered here for that purpose are called away on more immediate service for the defence of the country, they having received an order to hold themselves in readiness to march at an hour’s notice.
The business was opened by a sensible speech by the Mayor, followed by several pertinent -harangues from many of the gentlemen present, when, after a very patient hearing, it was the unanimous opinion of all who were present that the inhabitants were totally unable to do that duty at a time when the prisoners behave in a very riotous manner, and are likely to commit the greatest acts of violence on an almost defenseless set of people. It was, therefore, resolved to petition His Grace the Duke of Chandos and the Secretary at War to have a sufficient force left to guard them, as there are’ near 4,000 prisoners here, and it is thought that there will be full 6,000 in a short time. The several petitions were at once drawn up, signed, and duly sent off by express,”
On October 2nd, 1779, we-find that there was difficulty in keeping order:—” On Tuesday last near on 300 more prisoners were brought to. the King’s House, and many more are expected, although they already amount to near 5,000.
Since one of the prisoners, or account of this insolent behaviour, was shot dead by a sentinel of the Bedfordshire Militia a fortnight ago, the rest have behaved in a more becoming manner.”‘ October 23rd :—” Notwithstanding that the number of French prisoners amounts to upwards of 5,0001 we are informed that several thousands more are on their march for this place.” But not yet were the numbers complete.
“Oh October 30th :—” Thursday, 200 more French prisoners were escorted by a party of Light Horse from Salisbury Camp to the King’s House prison here, and many more are daily expected.” Gambling was very rife. November 13th, 1779:—”Early oh Monday morning last all the gaming tables were burnt on the airing ground belonging to the French prisoners, owing to some of the prisoners having been found to secrete themselves under some of these tables in order.’ to effect their ;escape.” January 15th, 1780:—” Only three prisoners have escaped from the King’s House since they have been confined here, although some of the poor wretches have been in prison more than two years.”
Duels were only too frequent. February 12th:—” Yesterday two Frenchmen in our prison fought a duel’, when one of them was run through the body, and killed’ on the spot.” Spanish prisoners joined the Frenchmen. March n t h , 1780:—” Orders are come express to the Agent for prisoners of War here to prepare sufficient apartments for the Spanish prisoners in Admiral Digby’s fleet.”
On April 8th :—” There have been near 2,000 French, Spanish, and American prisoners brought to the King’s House here within the Fortnight, and many more are expected from Forton and other places.” Deadly sickness broke out. April 22nd, 1780 :—”Many of the Spanish prisoners sent to this prison were ill of a ship fever occasioned by their close confinement and natural laziness. They are unwilling to get into the fresh air, on account of the great difference of the climate.
There is no infection, however in the air, for Portsmouth, Portsmouth Common, and Gosport are in a similar predicament, having sickly ships in the harbour, particularly H.M. ship Marlborough, which has at present one- third of her complement in the hospitals at Haslar and Forton, and sick quarters at Gosport, without having spread the least degree of fever amongst the three towns. This, we are credibly informed, is the opinion of Dr. Lind, physician to Haslar Hospital; who has been sent here to investigate the nature of the fever.” Frenchmen and Spaniards did not always agree, and informers, who were plentiful, received scant mercy when detected.
May 6th, 1780 :—” Yesterday morning two of the Spaniards who are prisoners in the King’s House here were found dead, and, as their bodies appeared shockingly mangled, it is,supposed that they were murdered, but we cannot hear whether it is owing to any quarrel between them and the French which often happens, or to any dispute among them- “selves.” Still more hapless captives arrived, and sickness was rife. May 20th, 1780. “On Wednesday last upwards of 200 Spanish prisoners were brought from Forton to the King’s House here under a strong guard. More are expected in a few days.
We have the pleasure to assure our readers that the fever here amongst the prisoners is greatly abated.” On June 3rd an attempt at combined escape was partially successful. ” This, week upwards of 30 Spanish prisoners made their escape out of the King’s House, the greatest part of whom have been brought back, and diligent search is making after those who have not been taken. About 20 were taken up near Southampton from whence it is supposed they intended to take a vessel and carry her to France.” Before the 8th of July many a poor prisoner was tossing on a fever-stricken bed. ”
T h e Committee appointed to report on the state of health of the French prisoners state that the disease originated with the Spanish prisoners from an infection brought on shore with them, and the result of their indolence and filthiness. It was a contagious-malignant goal fever. The disorder was dangerous, yet it never spread to the inhabitants. Dr. James Carmichael Smith, physician of the Middlesex Hospital, examined into the matter.
The burials during the last two weeks averaged five each week. All through the heat of summer the disease lasted.” August 26th, 1780. ” T h e fevers that prevailed among the prisoners in the King’s House are at length abated, arid at this time very few are sick. As there is great room here, we daily expect prisoners over to make up the complement now that the disorders are ceased, which was the sole reason that no fresh men have been sent Here for some weeks past, on- which account other prisons are loaded.”
By November 4th the West Kent Militia had marched into winter quarters at Winchester to do duty over the prisoners in the King’s House, and on December 16th there were still’French prisoners at Forton near Gosport. The Dutchmen came with the’ beginning of 1781. On January 10th ” 200 Dutch sailors, prisoners of war, were conducted to the King’s House under a strong guard,” and on February 3rd we are told.”
Last week several hundred more of Dutch prisoners arrived at the King’s House here, and many more are soon expected.” The allies of France were not always over zealous in her cause. Just three weeks later, on February 24th, 1780, we are told of a wholesale transfer of allegiance “Last week upwards of 70 of the Dutch prisoners confined in the King’s House, entered into our Marine service, and immediately marched off for Plymouth.
” There-was a brave and generous Dutchman among the prisoners. March 24th, 1781 :—”Lieut. Jansens, of the Marines, late of the Dutch ship of war Rotterdam, who came to this place with Mr. Diggons, of Chichester, appointed by the Duke of Richmond to supply the necessities of the Dutch prisoners in the King’s House, has received a genteel present from the States for his gallant behaviour during the several engagements sustained by that ship, which reward he generously distributed towards the wants of his fellow countrymen in this and other prisons.
On April 17th 200 more Dutch prisoners reached Winchester under a strong guard, and on the same day there was a serious affray in the prison. ” On Monday last three Spanish prisoners in the King’s House drew out large knives which they had each of them concealed, and attacked one of the sentinels on guard in the daytime, and attempted to stab him several times, but he man defended himself against them with his bayonet.
The sentinels nearest to him, perceiving their comrade’s danger, one of them immediately discharged his piece at the Spaniards, without effect, but as they did not think proper to desist, another sentinel discharged his piece, and killed one of them dead on the spot. The others were immediately seized, their knives taken from them, and they were put under close confinement.” Release came at last to some of the captives whom death and hardships had spared. May 5th, 1781 :—On Tuesday last a number of French prisoners went off from the prison here to Poole to go on board a cartel ship lying at that port.” The 3rd Battalion Gloucestershire Militia with five or six other Battalions guarded the prisoners until, in 1783, blessed peace came again.
There are entries in the Corporation records, giving leave to the prisoners to hold “room court martials” for the settlement of disputes amongst themselves, and for the trial of minor offenders. “Farmer George” reviewed the troops then on guard at Winchester in 1778, when the Light Infantry lined the road from Mr. Penton’s house (which stood opposite the Russian Gun in the Lawn) to the camp. Dean Kitchin says in his History of Winchester: “Hessian mercenaries were brought over, and 7,000 of them encamped on the downs above the city. Winchester was then seen to be a proper military centre, lying as it does between London and the great seaports and arsenals of the South of England.
From that time on-wards the military settlement, at first temporary and occasional, in later years permanent, with the King’s House as a Barrack and Depot, has formed a large element in the life of the city.”
The Gloucestershire Militia, when guarding the prisoners,” left a lasting memento of their sojourn at pleasant -Winchester. The well-known clump ‘ of trees upon St. Catherine’s Hill, visible from afar, was planted in a by a company of this regiment. In October, 1782, ninety-four Dutch prisoners were brought under strong guard from Forton prison to the King’s House, and many 3-lb. loaves of bread for the prison hospital.were required. In the previous April another strong guard from Forton had marched in with no fewer than 313 French, Spanish, and Dutch prisoners.
By the middle of April, 1783, all the French and Spanish prisoners at Winchester had been, or were being, sent home. A number of Frenchmen sailed from Southampton in a cartel on June 2nd. There were still 341 Dutchmen at Winchester, out of more than 1,000 left in England, who were to be paid for by their own Government during the continuance of the truce between the two countries, which lasted for eight months before the preliminaries of peace were signed.
All Dutch prisoners were to be massed at Winchester by the end of April, 1783, and other prisons were to be closed. May 1st brought all the captives from Forton. Two days later 178 Dutchmen marched in from Stapleton, and on May 5th, 100 Dutchmen and Frenchmen came from the same place. ; 156 Dutch prisoners under a strong guard from Plymouth seem to have closed Millbay Prison.
140 of the Dutchmen were speedily exchanged, leaving 685 at Winchester, and Captain Raidt, the Dutch agent, said that he was satisfied with their treatment. The Hollanders departed by degrees, and on Feb. 16th, 1784, there were bargains to be had at the King’s House. Very cheaply were sold “the stores of H.M. Prison of War, Winchester, including 8,000 hammock posts and rails, 4 by 4 inches and nine feet long, .160 hospital cradles {for fractures), with sacking bottoms, about 1,200 old hammocks and coverlets, and the paling round the airing ground.”
This four-acre airing ground was on the west side of the King’s House, beyond the ancient castle moat, through which the railway now runs. During the construction of the railway, the bones of numerous prisoners were disinterred. The site of the airing ground and of the powder magazine are now covered with villas, waterworks, schools, cottages, and other buildings, the ancient Roman Catholic cemetery of St. James being the only time-honoured landmark. These facts modify the remarks of Deari Kitchin in his History, where he says,”From the close of the Seven Years’ War, when the prisoners were set free, we have no trace of a foreign element in Winchester till in the Reign of Terror a new class of refugees made their appearance.
There had been Huguenots, court soldiers, and peasant soldiers, and now came priests. As many as eight or nine hundred of them, sometimes even more, were lodged in the King’s House and formed a very characteristic element in the society of the city. They were received very kindly, and the citizens, as well as the authorities, did their best for their support.
We find notice of their educated interest in the publication in 1796 at Oxford, at cost of the University, of an edition of the Vulgate New Testament, uin tisum cleri Gallicani in Anglia exulantis” edited ” by the care and zeal of some of the said clergy now sojourning at Winchester,” and we have a record on the walls of their chapel at Winchester of their gratitude, when, at the end of their four years of exile, the English Government, deeming it necessary to place a large force in garrison at the King’s House, transferred the exiles to other spots.
” They were so grateful that they actually offered to make flannel clothing for the English soldiers.
On June 12th, 1793 :—”A report is very current here that some French prisoners are coming to the King’s House, and that the priests are to be moved in consequence.” But the troops were at first quartered in the Soke Barracks, beneath St. Giles’ Hill, and the priests were left in peace for a time.
Dec. 26th, 1794 :—”The Barracks which are preparing in the Soke and the Riding House in Southgate Street are in great forwardness ; they will, when completed, be very comfortable, and able to accommodate 500 men.”
In April of that year, three battalions of the German Legion, 2>,’.oo strong, were in quarters at Winchester.
With the end of the war, French and other prisoners, taken in strife, passed away from Winchester, let us hope, for ever.
Sourced from
The Royal Green Jackets built on History and Traditions, Destroyed by Greed
History of The Royal Green Jackets Cap Badge
The Crown, indicates that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the
Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Green Jackets.
PENINSULA, a Battle Honour awarded to all three antecedent Regiments after the Peninsular War,
The Royal Green Jackets major Battle Honour.
The Maltese Cross, both the 60th Rifles and The Rifle Brigade have worn a Maltese Cross since shorty after The Peninsular War.
The Bugle Horn, has long been the symbol of the Light Troops in The British Army,
all three antecedent Regiments have been wearing it since The Peninsular War.
The Laurel Wreath, The whole badge is encircled by the wreath of Victory.
COPENHAGEN April 1801, surmounting the navel crown.
A Battle Honour awarded to The Rifle Brigade
for the battle of Copenhagen.
The Royal Green Jackets motto Swift and Bold was adopted from
The former KRRC motto (Celer et Audax)
Don’t envy a man his medals, all those ribbons on his chest,
He did not try to get them, they’re not there at his request,
They were earned in stinking hell holes, where no man would like to go,
Or in cold and wintry places, where there’s only ice and snow.
He did not know he earned them, till they were awarded at parade,
They were bright when he first got them, but in time the colours fade,
He was told he had to wear them, and to wear them all with pride,
But when the memories come to haunt him, those same medals make him hide.
Cause those medals will not bring back, all those guys he left behind,
And he would trade them all forever, for a little peace of mind.
So don’t envy a man his medals, you don’t want to take his place,
Thinking back to long gone battles, and meeting dead friends face to face.
There is discipline in a Soldier, you can see it when he walks,
There is honour in a Soldier, you hear it when he talks,
There is courage in a Soldier you can see it in his eyes,
There is loyalty in a Soldier that he will not compromise.
There is something in a Soldier that makes him stand apart,
There is strength in a Soldier that beats from his heart,
A Soldier isn’t a title, any man can be hired to do,
A Soldier is the soul of that man, buried deep inside of you.
A Soldier’s job isn’t finished, after an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week,
A Soldier is always a Soldier even while he sleeps.
A Soldier serves his country first, and his life is left behind,
A Soldier has to sacrifice, what comes first in a civilian’s mind.
If you are civilian, I am saying this to you,
Next time you see a Soldier remember what we do,
A Soldier is the one that is brave, protecting you and me,
And If you know A Soldier, I am saying this to you.
We now ask the question
Have the ROYAL GREEN JACKETS as Regiment
Not been Remembered at the NMA ? or only the RGJ Association ?
The Royal Green Jackets Memorial at the NMA with the RGJRA / RGJA CORPORATE Badge
A Badge That No Rifleman Ever Served Under Or Ever Wore
James Gordon paying his respects to the RGJ with the RGJRA / RGJA Corporate Badge on the RGJ Memorial
A Badge That No Rifleman Ever Served Under Or Wore
“Members within the RGJ have set out to destroy the Regiments Cap Badge worn”
This seems to be one of two things, the lack of care in reproduction, therefore an insult to the regiment and those who served.
Or its been done deliberately to get round any legalities, so again an insult to the regiment and those who serve, both show the greed of those who have been selling their goods in this condition”.
“I know many of you who have purchased our cap badge from others in good faith, are now feeling cheated and betrayed. We did not set out to do anything other than to get OUR CAP BADGE, as worn, used in the places they should be, and not the pirate fraudulent type. We have to protect who we are, our history and our pride as the best of the best, we also have to show our truthful respect to our brothers who have fallen, and that starts with the Cap Badge worn”.
Gold on Black
“We have now ordered Car Stickers in the Gold Colour Badge,
the car badge, an alternative that will not affect the way the uniform is worn, but will be a recognisable display should you be on the road and see other members of our great regiment”
An alternative Blazer or Tie Badge / Logo, designed by MEMORIAL AT PENINSULA LTD, this is not a replacement, but one to run along side the original one, and for those who don’t know if what they have is original or fake, but are still proud of serving and is registered at the IPO 6169450
Graphic Design IPO 6169450
Never before has a image of a Cap Badge been altered by so few to disrespect so many.
The Graphic Design of the Green Jackets Brigade Cap Badge Worn
Design registration IPO number 6133689
(Excluding The Crown and Maltese cross) MEMORIAL AT PENINSULA LTD,
Wish to notify the Regiment;
“The purpose of registration is to safeguard the original cap badges as worn by all those that served, the capital gain, should the regulation be followed is not the driving force. Though any monies raised could be put to use for the regiment and military type of charities, in memory of those who gave all, and those in need of the regiments help.”
The Real GJB and RGJ Cap Badges Worn
The ROYAL GREEN JACKETS the Regiment that did not want it`s own Cap Badge Worn
The RGJ Destroyed their own Cap Badge
CAP BADGE WORN (on the Left)
A STONE BADGE (The Wrong Crown and incorrect)
The Stone Badge at Green Jackets Close is also (Incorrect)
The Royal Green Jackets Museum is a charity that helps PRESERVE the LEGACY of thousands of British soldiers who fought,
and in many cases died, for their Country.
Preserve ( Maintain “something” in its original or existing state.
Legacy ( Something left or handed down by a predecessor.
Heritage (Something that is handed down from the past, as a tradition: a national heritage of honour, pride, and courage. something that comes or belongs to:
Below is my reply to an email to David Walker
To Quantify means to put a value or price.
You asked me to quantify
The Asset that has most value
Is that which so many deface and dispute
How can you put a value on Battle Honours?
Honours that have been achieved through blood sweat and tears, and form History, history displayed on the Cap Badge.
To me the Badge that was worn by me and others is worth so much more than others think.
So if you wish to go along the same road as others and tread the financial gain, then you Quantify.
Those who lost the badge felt it was worth zero
Unlike those that have protected it through legal copyright.
So you Quantify.
The Former Peninsula Barracks Parade Square
Picture credited Tabitha Burch
Lest We Forget our Fellow Riflemen
The Most Famous Green Jacket
20 minutes in, The 3 RGJ Sniper gives his account of the incident
Not only has he been awarded the Military Medal for a disputed incident 31st August 1973.
He has now lost
The Royal Green Jackets
The copyright to the graphic design of their Cap Badge Worn.
“What a Hero”
So Gerry Adams in a book is said to be an MI5 Spy, setting up ambushes,
Who Really Shot James Bryson ?
In the original manuscript below, about the demise of James Bryson, which was written by Ed Maloney and James Kinchin-White it was illustrated with a photograph of a vehicle which was purported to be the vehicle that James Bryson met his death in.
In fact this vehicle was not the said vehicle that James Bryson met his demise in, the vehicle shown in the original document written by the two authors Ed Maloney and James Kinchin-White was in fact unrelated to the death of James Bryson, this vehicle had one year earlier been involved in another shooting.
The vehicle which James Bryson met his demise in was another vehicle, which is only known to the intelligence officers of the British Armed Forces.
The day’s events have a few unanswered questions they are:
How was it that James Bryson had been seen earlier in the estate driving around purported to waving a weapon around, there was intelligence to say this and therefore he was in the radar and was heading towards a rendezvous point, the question is why if the intelligence knew that Bryson was heading towards this area, were two soldiers left in a roof space as sitting ducks?
Two soldiers that should have been on patrol in a formation of more than two soldiers where were the others?
Why were they not sent back up?
Was Bryson working for the intelligence services undercover?
Was his waving of the weapon previously in a residential area an action made to flush out the security forces or was it too show a signal of strength to let other terrorists know he was there or to strike fear in innocent people, both would make sense if he was working for the security forces as has been suggested previously?
Was Bryson going to the final destination under the lull of a sense of false security, he thought he was going with his intelligence officers, others who were working for the armed forces as Ira officers, in the car and his Ira companion unaware that they were going to a rendezvous which would be the capture of his Ira colleague, hence Bryson did not fire at the two soldiers that were sitting as sitting ducks when they kicked the roof space in?
Soldier who opened fire by his own omission did not give the required warning before he opened fire, why was this, did he panic or did he know he didn’t need to? (Unbeknown to his colleague another Soldier who did not get decorated for his action, although he was in equal danger, as the Soldier who opened fire, this was a pre arranged incident hence only two Soldiers, lay in wait)
The Soldier who opened fire, was it his bullet that killed Bryson, where is the postmortem report to show this?
Did somebody in the car sacrifice Bryson; was he shot in the car?
In fact was this a two for one exercise gets rid of a rogue intelligence officer and an Ira terrorist at the same time?
The only way we will know this is when we know how many occupants were in the car, it is purported that there were 5 in the car, it is also purported that the other 3 were intelligence officers working with the Ira having infiltrated them.
How many occupants were in the car?
Where is the car?
Did the car scream off as was stated by a resident nearby?
What happened to the other occupants?
Were Bryson and his colleague thrown out of the car?
Where are Bryson’s’ bullets, surely he would have returned fire, If he didn’t then was he actually being aggressive, showing aggression with his weapon?
Was this the reason for the Soldier to fire at him?
If no firing was taking place at the time, how come a Soldier fired on Bryson?
Was this a pre organized exercise?
Bryson and his colleague were they shot in the car and to legitimize the incident the Soldier knew he had to put a round down, to cover the tracks of the intelligence officers that had killed Bryson?
How many bullets were in Bryson did they all match the British Soldiers ammunition?
Did the Soldier get The Military Medal as a hush award, to keep his mouth shut a pay off?
All of the above have been circulated unanswered for 45 years.
Of course given the nature of the incident, it is safe to say that the Dead tell no lies, and the answers have died with the x-rays. (X-ray a term used for the dead terrorist in Army speak / Military speak).
The Most Famous Royal Green Jacket
14th August 1969 – 14th August 2019
Picture by BBC via Belfast child
50 years on since
The British Army was deployed in Northern Ireland.
This is a real shame, that the grave of our fellow Brother Rifleman James Meredith cannot be upgraded by the RGJA, the gave is a private grave and the MOD only supplied the original gravestone, permission would be needed by James family for any upgrade whatsoever.
by Clive Sanders
None of us wanted to be there.
None of us knew what to do.
We`d not had a semblance of training.
We felt we were hundreds to few.
Politicians had sent us to Ulster,
As a barrier between warring sides.
We did not have a plan we could work to,
We just had to man the divides.
None knew how long we would be there,
None would believe thirty years.
We counted off days on our four months,
And tried not to show them our fears.
We hadn`t been trained for street warfare,
Surrounded by hatred and strife.
We worked to look after each other,
In friendships that still last for life.
We all lost good mates in the Troubles.
We remember their names every year.
Whenever we meet at reunions,
With memories of them always clear.
We got no applause for our suffering.
We carry our wounds with us still.
And now we have comrades arrested,
Which to us is the bitterest of pill.
©copyright protected
14th August 1969: British troops sent into Northern Ireland
British soldiers armed with machine guns keeping watch in the Falls Road during rioting,
August 1969. Photograph: Popperfoto via Getty.
The British Government has sent troops into Northern Ireland in what it says is a “limited operation” to restore law and order.
It follows three days and two nights of violence in the mainly-Catholic Bogside area of Londonderry. Trouble has also erupted in Belfast and other towns across Northern Ireland.
It also comes after a speech by the Prime Minister of the Irish Republic, Jack Lynch, regarded by many as “outrageous interference” in which he called for a United Nations peacekeeping force to be sent to the province.
He also called for Anglo-Irish talks on the future of Northern Ireland.
Exhausted police
The Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, Major James Chichester-Clark, responded by saying neighbourly relations with the Republic were at an end and that British troops were being called in.
The British Home Secretary James Callaghan was in a plane on his way to talks with Prime Minister Harold Wilson in Cornwall when he received a radio-telephone call asking for troops to be deployed.
Shortly after 1700 hours local time, 300 troops from the 1st Battalion, Prince of Wales’s Own Regiment of Yorkshire, occupied the centre of Londonderry, replacing the exhausted police officers who had been patrolling the cordons around the Bogside.
They have been on standby for the past couple of days.
The arrival of the British troops was greeted with cheering and singing from behind the barricades in the Roman Catholic area of Londonderry.
They were chanting: “We’ve won, we’ve won. We’ve brought down the government.”
The trouble began three days ago during the annual Apprentice Boys march, which marks the 13 boy supporters of William of Orange who defended Londonderry against the forces of the Catholic King James II in 1688.
The Royal Ulster Constabulary were forced to use tear gas – for the first time in their history – to try to bring the rioting under control.
But tensions mounted with the mobilisation of the B Specials. The special constables, who are armed and mostly part-time, were supposed to help the RUC restore order – but they are regarded with deep suspicion by the Roman Catholics.
On the streets of Belfast, the appearance of the B Specials led to an escalation in the violence while the special constables reportedly stood by and watched….
4th January
A People’s Democracy march between Belfast and Derry was repeatedly attacked by loyalists. At Burntollet it was ambushed by 200 loyalists and off-duty police (RUC) officers armed with iron bars, bricks and bottles. The marchers claimed that police did little to protect them. When the march arrived in Derry it was broken up by the RUC, which sparked serious rioting between Irish nationalists and the RUC. That night, RUC officers went on a rampage in the Bogside area of Derry; attacking Catholic homes, attacking and threatening residents, and hurling sectarian abuse. Residents then sealed off the Bogside with barricades to keep the police out, creating “Free Derry”.
The loyalists intended to bring down the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, Terence O’Neill, who had promised some concessions to the civil rights movement. To this end, Members of the loyalist UVF and UPV bombed water and electricity installations in Northern Ireland, in deceitful false flag attacks, blaming them on the dormant IRA and on elements of the civil rights movement. There were six bombings and all were widely blamed on the IRA. As a response, British soldiers were sent to guard installations. Despite this, Loyalist-Unionist support for O’Neill continued to wane, and on 28 April he resigned as Prime Minister.
17th April
People’s Democracy activist Bernadette Devlin was the youngest woman ever elected to Westminster, a record which stood until Mhairi Black’s election in 2015.
19th April
During clashes with civil rights marchers in Derry, RUC officers entered the house of an uninvolved Catholic civilian, Samuel Devenny, and beat him, along with two of his daughters.
One of the daughters was beaten unconscious as she lay recovering from surgery. Devenny suffered a heart attack and died on 17 July from his injuries.
13th July
During clashes with nationalists throwing stones at an Orange Hall in Dungiven, RUC officers beat Francis McCloskey, a Catholic civilian (aged 67). He died of his injuries the next day. Many consider this the first death of the Troubles.
5th August
The UVF planted their first bomb in the Republic of Ireland, damaging the RTÉ Television Centre in Dublin.
12th–14th August
Battle of the Bogside – during an Apprentice Boys march, serious rioting erupted in Derry between Irish nationalists and the RUC. RUC officers, backed by loyalists, entered the nationalist Bogside in armoured cars and tried to suppress the riot by using CS gas, water cannon and eventually firearms. The almost continuous rioting lasted for two days.
14th–17th August
Northern Ireland riots of August 1969 – in response to events in Derry, Irish nationalists held protests throughout Northern Ireland. Some of these became violent. In Belfast, loyalists responded by attacking nationalist districts. Rioting also erupted in Newry, Armagh, Crossmaglen, Dungannon, Coalisland and Dungiven. Six Catholics and two Protestants were shot dead and at least 133 were treated for gunshot wounds. Scores of houses and businesses were burnt out, most of them owned by Catholics. Thousands of families, mostly Catholics, were forced to flee their homes and refugee camps were set up in the Republic.
The British Army was deployed on the streets of Northern Ireland, which marked the beginning of Operation Banner.
11th October
Three people were shot dead during street violence in the loyalist Shankill area of Belfast. Two were Protestant civilians (George Dickie and Herbert Hawe) shot by the British Army and one was an RUC officer (Victor Arbuckle) shot by the UVF. Arbuckle was the first RUC officer to be killed in the Troubles. The loyalists “had taken to the streets in protest at the Hunt Report, which recommended the disbandment of the B Specials and disarming of the RUC”.
The UVF detonated bombs in the Republic of Ireland. In Dublin it detonated a car bomb near the Garda Síochána central detective bureau. It also bombed a power station at Ballyshannon, a Wolfe Tone memorial in Bodenstown, and the Daniel O’Connell monument in Dublin
December A split formed in the Irish Republican Army, creating what was to become the Official IRA and Provisional IRA.
Leeson Street Patrol
Sourced from Pintrest
Corden Lloyd
Gun Battle for the Bakery
By Micheal Cuerden and James Standfield
The Bloody gun battle for the bakery began in Belfast at 0350 on the 9th Aug 1971.
That is when the army moved in to `The Markets` to flush out a gang of gunmen who had expelled the night shift at gun point.
Dawn was in the sky, but for the previous five hours soldiers had already engaged snipers from the fringes of the catholic area near the City Centre.
Around the Inglish Bakery, the largest in Northern Ireland, terrorist where believed to be waiting and the Army Command where convinced that an ambush was being set up. Last May they lost Corporal Robert Bankier, killed when his platoon was lured into the same area. So the four platoons 100 men of the 1st Battalion Royal Green Jackets, waited until dawn.
Then they executed a`back door` pincer movement, it was just as well, as Eliza Street, the main approach to the Bakery , was sprayed with automatic fire from both ends as the soldiers began their approach. The encircled the narrow streets among the meanest of the City’s ghettos. From Lagan Street, Cromac Street and Stewart Street they gave covering fire while their main attack was spearheaded along McAuley Street.
The terrorist raked the streets with a Thompson sub-machine gun, 303 rifles and .22 small-arms fire, the fighting was SAVAGE.
0450 As the soldiers moved from doorway to doorway, one gunman was killed near the barricades of Market Street and Eliza Court.
0515 The soldiers had reached Bond Street. Two of the gang, one still armed, had been captured. But six terrorist where thought to be on the roof.
0550 The troops where outside the Bakery, but the doors where locked. As the smashed through them they where met with a spray of bullets.
Inside the building they where engaged in savage fighting with two men, believed to be fighting a rear guard action while the rest escaped. One is believed to have been hit.
An Officer said :`The place was like a rabbit warren, with hiding places everywhere,`
0615 The last shots where fired. Soldiers began the hazardous operation of searching the three floors.
Six people in the Bakery where handed to the police for questioning, five who where employees where later released.
0800 The building had been combed, the troops moved to the nearby houses. They had seen men running into the back door, out through the front and down the alley`s between the streets during the battle.
The search produced a 303 rifle from a drain and ammunition found on an outhouse roof.
0900 The army began to bulldoze the barricades. Five men where in police custody. All that remained where streets littered with debris, a 2 foot pile of bread and a pool of blood in Eliza Street.
” The Bakery “
Pipes and Ovens, Rollers to” What a place to Fight your way through”.
The smell of warm rotting bread,
A Walk-in the Park the Boss man said.
See a Gunman take a shot, Back it came just as Hot,was it a ricochet…I think not.
Moving forward bit by bit…Jesus Christ this place is Shit.
Along a Gantry,Down some stairs….Made it through…I’ll say some Prayers.
By fellow Rifleman
P. Pickford
The Green Jackets and The Royal Green Jackets
Major R N H Alers – Hankey
LCpl O M Alford
Rfn N A B Allen
Cpl R E Armstrong
Rfn M E Bagshaw
Bdsm G R J Baldwin
Cpl R Bankier
Wo2 G Barker
Bdsm M S Bayliss
Wo2 P J Bayliss
Rfn W N Beckley-Lines
Sjt E E Bedford
Bdsm R I Beer
Rfn C B A Bird
Rfn R S Blackledge
L.Cpl. M D Boswel
Rfn A E Brown
CSgt P J Bryant
Wo1 T J Byrne
Lcpl D Card
Sgt M A Cameron
Rfn C V Campbel
Rfn A C R Chapman
LCpl S J Chappell
Rfn K Chavner
Wo1 L Collins
Cpl C C Cook
Rfn A Cottriall
Rfn I J Coman
Lt Col Corden-Lloyd OBE MC
LCpl D J Cronin
Cpl R Cross
Rfn J A Cullen
Rfn R A Davey
CSgt D V Daws
LCpl G T Dean
Wo2 J P Devine
LCpl D J Dixon
Rfn H Donaghue
Rfn R Donkin
Rfn A Dunne
Wo2 B JDunwell
Rfn J A Dupee
Rfn A R Elliott
Cpl R Elliot
Rfn P K Ennals
Sgt S R Eyle
Rfn P C Fairway
Rfn D T Fenley
Cpl N J Fewell
Capt T P Fetherstonehaugh
Rfn S Fisher
J.Rfn P T Flaherty
Rfn T P Flint
Major T B Fowley
Sgt R F Fry
Rfn A Gavin
LCpl I R George
Rfn M E Gibson
Rfn E C Godfrey
Rfn D A Grainger
Rfn D Griffiths
Rfn M H Gray
Rfn M A Hamblin
LCpl W J Harris
Col P R Hayter MBE MC
Bdsm J Heritage
LCpl T W Hewitt
Rfn J C E Hill
Rfn R P Hill
Rfn D R Holland
Rfn D Hudaverdi
Rfn H M Hutton
Rfn F J Hunt
Rfn A D Jackson
Rfn C J Jackson
Brig T G H Jackson
Rfn L C Jamieson
Cpl E R P Jedruch
Rfn J R Joesbury
Rfn D Johnson
Rfn J P B keeney
Rfn A C Kelway
Rfn P J Keogh
Rfn J W King
Rfn J A Lagan
Rfn S D Lambourne
Officer Cadet D M H Litton
Cpl R A Livingstone
Cpl D Lepp
Rfn J I Mackenzie
Cpl M C Maddocks
Rfn N P Malakos
Wo1 C J Manning
Sgt A F Martin
Sgt P J Martin
Bdsm G J Measure
Brig A H S Mellor OBE
Rfn J Meredith
Rfn J Milward
Cpl I R Morrill
Rfn P Morris
Cpl M W Mosley
Rfn A Mulgrew
Rfn D A Mulley
Rfn D P McGarry
LCpl R I McGowan
Cpl J R McKnight
Rfn D R Mclaughlin
Cpl R P McMahon
Sjt R J Naylor
Rfn A J Newton
Capt (QM) W H Norbury
Rfn M F O`Sullivan
Cpl P M Patrick
Rfn D W Parfitt
Cpl M J Pearce
Cpl M Phillips
Cpl R Poole
Rfn K G Porter
Bdsm K J Powell
Major J R C Radclyffe
Rfn C J Radmore
Rfn A M Rapley
Rfn M P Reece
Rfn/Pte R B Roberts
Capt R F Rodgers
Sjt T J Ross
Rfn K J Rowland
Major H L Ruck-Keene
Rfn C Saunders
Rfn A E J Scarlet
Rfn J Scott
Rfn R A Sharpe
Rfn M V Sims
Rfn P J Simons
Col J S C Simmons
Rfn M R Sinclair
LCpl A Smith
Bdsm L K Smith
Rfn JS Smith
Rfn N W Smith
Sjt R A Smith
Rfn P B Smith
Cpl W J Smith
Rfn k J R Sutton
Lt Col M V W Tarleton
Rfn J W Taylor
Major T E F Taylor
Rfn W T Telfer
Wo2 K P Theobold
Rfn MR Thompson
Colonel P Treneer-Michell OBE
Sgt L S Ubhi
Rfn J Meredith
Cpl L D Wall
Rfn D Walker
Cpl E T Walpole
Rfn R M Walsh
CSgt S J Walton
Rfn C J Watson
Rfn R Watson
Rfn R MT Webster
Rfn C R Wild
Rfn C Williams
Rfn W H Williams
Rfn VC Windsor
LCpl G Winstone
Rfn M J Wood
J/Rfn R D Woodhouse
Rfn P W Virgo
Gunner Utterridge Attached to 3 RGJ 19th Oct 1984
Pictures from Facebook
So what did the The Royal Green Jackets Leave at Peninsula Barracks ?
A Stone what looks like a MOD Badge at Peninsula Barracks, Winchester
The RGJ Stain Glass Window at the chapel at the ATR Winchester
The RGJ Badge bears the correct Crown but the wrong Bugle
in the centre of the RGJ Badge
The Ancestral Home of The Royal Green Jackets
Own the Copyright to the artwork used on the Memorial Project for the Memory and Tribute Chair.
This legal copyright which is a registered copyright, is for artwork which replicates
the RGJ and GJB Cap Badges worn by the Riflemen and Officers during service with
The Regiment and many veteran service men.
The copyright was taken by MEMORIAL AT PENINSULA LTD to protect the originality of the Cap Badges, thus protecting the honours within the Cap Badge, awarded for battle, Some Gave All . Whilst honouring those honours and protecting them, we also honour those that Gave, ALL GAVE SOME – SOME GAVE ALL. This copyright forms a shield of protection against those that are willing to allow the cap badge to be defaced in pursuance of monetary gain.
There is only one original Cap Badge. MEMORIAL AT PENINSULA LTD do not endorse any other copies which are deemed to be fake.
The Royal Green Jackets Cap Badge
Green Jackets Brigade Cap Badge
A Stone Badge outside Green Jackets Close
But is this crown correct?
There are also no dots on The Royal Green Jackets Cap Badge as below
The Royal Green Jackets Built on History and Traditions, Destroyed by Greed.
It has been brought to the attention of the Directors of Memorial At Peninsula Ltd that the Badge on the RGJ Memorial at The NMA is a Corporate / Commercial Badge and was never worn upon the beret, the Corporate Badge was sanctioned by
The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association.
(Simple wording might have been better)
It has been written by one fellow Rifleman
“The Royal Green Jackets are the laughing stock of The Light Division”
Memorial At Peninsula Ltd and many others would disagree on that statement made, the many articles found on this site will take a visitor through a fine journey of illustrious history, we therefore feel the opening statement should refer to comradeship and laughter heard from those who formed a family of green a happy stock of finest infantrymen. SWIFT AND BOLD
This website contains information pertaining to The illustrious History of The Royal Green Jackets and its antecedent Regiments and our successors. The Royal Green Jackets chronicle which has been available for purchase from the Regimental Museum is also relied on for some of the website information, an example of this would be the Bryson Report, a Day in History made by The Royal Green Jackets.
Should you the visitor wish to find a specific article then by typing on the website search bar and you will be directed to the relevant page, an example would be the aforementioned article typing in “The Bryson report,” and you will be directed to the article.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and that the information contained within it is of Historical value.
Although Raised by Thomas Fowke`s in 1741
The 1st Bn RGJ was never known as 1st Bn RGJ (Fowke`s)
1741 (Raised)
54th Regiment of Foot
renumbered in circa 1748
as the
43rd Regiment of Foot
1755 (Raised)
54th Regiment of Foot
renumbered circa 1757
as the
52nd Regiment of Foot
43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot
52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot
43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry)
52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry)
The Oxfordshire Light Infantry
Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
Green Jackets Brigade
1 Green Jackets (43rd & 52nd)
1st Battalion The Royal Green Jackets
In 1992 1st RGJ was disbanded and 2nd RGJ and 3rd RGJ renumbered 1st RGJ and 2nd RGJ respectively
Although Raised in 1755 62nd Regiment of Foot
The 2nd Bn RGJ was never known as 2nd Bn RGJ (62nd)
1755 (Raised)
62nd Regiment of Foot
renumbered as the
60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot
60th (Duke of York`s Own Rifle Corps)
60th (The King`s Royal Rifle Corps)
The King`s Royal Rifle Corps
Green Jackets Brigade
2 Green Jackets (KRRC)
2nd Battalion The Royal Green Jackets
In 1992 1st RGJ was disbanded and 2nd RGJ and 3rd RGJ renumbered 1st RGJ and 2nd RGJ respectively
Although Raised in 1800 as Experimental Corps of Riflemen
The 3rd Bn RGJ was never known as 3rd Bn RGJ (Experimental Corps)
1800 (Raised)
Corps of Riflemen
The Corps of Riflemen
95th Regiment (Rifles)
The Rifle Brigade
The Prince Consorts Own
Rifle Brigade
The Rifle Brigade
(The Prince Consorts Own) (RB)
The Rifle Brigade
(Prince Consorts Own)
Green Jackets Brigade
3 Green Jackets (RB)
3rd Battalion The Royal Green Jackets
In 1992 1st RGJ was disbanded and 2nd RGJ and 3rd RGJ renumbered 1st RGJ and 2nd RGJ respectively
(The Royal Greens Jackets
then became 2 and 4 RIFLES in 2077)
A Rifle by Baker
A Jacket of Green
A Sword not a bayonet
No toast to the Queen
One forty per minute
With Rifles at trail
A Salute at the double
With Buglers wail
Silver badge and black buttons
First in & last out
Celer et Audax
Swift & Bold without doubt
Trev Penn 2009
Armistice Centenary
1918 – 2018
Unknown Soldier by Philip Pickford
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
King`s Royal Rifle Corps
Rifle Brigade
Our Copyright Certificates
2823192 and 2823193
Memorial At Peninsula
Memorial At Peninsula
The Website
Intellectual property of Memorial At Peninsula Ltd as seen on the Chairs, Transfers / Graphic Designs / Drawings of the following; the
Green Jackets Brigade Cap Badge and The Royal Green Jackets Cap Badge.
It is noteworthy to remark that both of the above are unique to Memorial At Peninsula Ltd as they differ from from those supplied by The Ministry of Defence in United kingdom.
Both Badges that have been used and to which Memorial At Peninsula Ltd own the drawings / transfers and graphic designs are not supplied by The Ministry of Defence however The Ministry of Defence are aware of their usage and have documented consent this is due to the differences and no licence is required for their usage and that permission is granted although this is a courteous gesture as they do not hold the rights to the badges.
Should the need arise documentation to the above facts can be supplied.
©Memorial At Peninsula Ltd is protected under Copyrite
All content used on this site from the rgjra web site is from pre April 2014
Music License
Memorial At Peninsula Ltd is licensed under the music and entertainments act.
MOD Officially Licensed Merchandise Companies
as of 08-10-12018
The History of
The Royal Green Jackets Cap Badge
The Crown, indicates that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the
Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Green Jackets.
PENINSULA, a Battle Honour awarded to all three antecedent Regiments after the Peninsular War,
Don’t envy a man his medals, all those ribbons on his chest,
He did not try to get them, they’re not there at his request,
They were earned in stinking hell holes, where no man would like to go,
Or in cold and wintry places, where there’s only ice and snow.
He did not know he earned them, till they were awarded at parade,
They were bright when he first got them, but in time the colours fade,
He was told he had to wear them, and to wear them all with pride,
But when the memories come to haunt him, those same medals make him hide.
Cause those medals will not bring back, all those guys he left behind,
And he would trade them all forever, for a little peace of mind.
So don’t envy a man his medals, you don’t want to take his place,
Thinking back to long gone battles, and meeting dead friends face to face.
There is discipline in a Soldier, you can see it when he walks,
There is honour in a Soldier, you hear it when he talks,
There is courage in a Soldier you can see it in his eyes,
There is loyalty in a Soldier that he will not compromise.
There is something in a Soldier that makes him stand apart,
There is strength in a Soldier that beats from his heart,
A Soldier isn’t a title, any man can be hired to do,
A Soldier is the soul of that man, buried deep inside of you.
A Soldier’s job isn’t finished, after an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week,
A Soldier is always a Soldier even while he sleeps.
A Soldier serves his country first, and his life is left behind,
A Soldier has to sacrifice, what comes first in a civilian’s mind.
If you are civilian, I am saying this to you,
Next time you see a Soldier remember what we do,
A Soldier is the one that is brave, protecting you and me,
And If you know A Soldier, I am saying this to you.
Sourced from You Tube