May 242020

The Podcast interview is at the base of this page (Enjoy)

Jason Salkey and Sean Bean 

We are very lucky to be able to share with you the recent recording which is now available for you to hear.

This was recorded by History hack as a Podcast, keeping everyone safe whilst on the 2020 lockdown.

No members of this Podcast were put at risk during this recording, all those present recorded from their own comfort of their own homes.

Joining the podcast was our own Rifleman Harris, he’s the educated one and his boss who rose up through the ranks none other than Major Sharpe.

So in this podcast you will hear the tones of Sheffield born Sean Bean and Londoner Jason Salkey.

Sean or (Beanie) to his friends was not the first choice to play Sharpe. In this informal friendly chat called this, because of the warmth of the interviewers and the comradeship, banter exchanged throughout between the two from the 95th the behind the scenes reality unfolds.

Along with Napoleonic historian Zak White, this is a rich tapestry of fact (history) and fiction (the series)which portrays Bernard Cornwell`s book series Sharpe.

One can not help but smile whilst listening to the Actors, and gasp at the revelations of history.

Some of the history revelations do not sit right, although correct, those who succeeded the Ancestral Regiments some 150 years on, might not agree with Mr White, due to the Battle honours worn on the Regimental Cap badge of The Royal Green Jackets, earned by some of the 95th.

This some would say is “Sharpes` honour.”

The Regiments` that succeeded The Royal Green Jackets and amalgamated into one successor Regiment, have gone full circle and are now known as, The Rifles, thus meaning history has gone full circle, “Once a Rifleman always a Rifleman,” fixed swords at the ready, we will leave you with Major Sharpe and Rifleman Harris for the reunion, which was Sharpe to unfold, as there is a story to unfold.

Mr White has really taken the hot seat, is he now Napoleon and are these two from the 95th about to have their Waterloo?

Enjoy everyone, whilst listening to the truthful, frank stories, unfold a story to be retold.

This truly is Sharpes’ Gold.

Author Julie Ann Rosser