Victor Gregg
Rick Stroud
Battle of Bedda Fomm
The Royal Green Jackets Museum Winchester
Was on the 26th January 2017
Victor Gregg joined the British Army in 1937 and after six months training was posted to 2nd Battalion The Rifle Brigade in India.
The Battalion moved to Palestine in 1939 and became involved in the bitter conflict between Jewish settlers and Palestinians before being moved to North Africa where he spent the next three years fighting in the western desert.
The battle of Beda Fomm, often described as ‘the classic victory’, was his baptism of fire; after three days of bitter fighting blocking the Italian 10th Army withdrawal from Cyrenaica, 25,000 Italians surrendered.
Victor Gregg was be joined by Rick Stroud on the evening discussing these and other war time experiences
Sourced From You Tube (Credited To William Wright)