The RGJA Branch Formation
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No branch info
The Branch meet at 12.00 noon on the 2nd Sunday of month between
September and April inclusive at the Aylesbury Railway Club.
Band and Bugles
This branch meet Annually, on the 2nd Sat in October in Winchester
Central England
This branch Meet monthly at various, pre-designated venues across the West Midlands.
East Midlands
This Branch now meet at William IV ( Top House ) on Stockwell Gate Mansfield NG18 5QE
Dates are sporadic, please ring William IV for information on meeting Dates 01623 232481
Chairman Len Dooley and Roy Harrison
Verbally and Physically assaulted a fellow member on a Remembrance Day Parade
This branch meet at 12 noon on the last Sunday of the month
Branch Chairman Len Dooley and Branch member Roy Harrison of the EAST MIDLANDS BRANCH RGJA did physically and verbally assaulted a fellow Royal Green Jacket on a Remembrance Day Parade in Sutton in Ashfield on 12th Nov 2017…. This branch also upheld a Kangaroo Court in The Gas Works Social Club expelling a branch member, who was accused without any evidence and on hearsay, the branch member was not allowed any third party representation in this Kangaroo Court held by the Branch Chairman. The member did not attend this Kangaroo Court on orders from a fellow Director and his legal representative.
No branch info
Milton Keynes
This branch meet on the 1st Tuesday in March, June, September and December
at 2000hrs at Blakelands TAC, Milton Keynes
North East
This branch hold meetings at their AGM and 2 other meetings at The Royal British Legion 6 Grange Crescent, Sunderland
the dates are published a month in advance.
North West
No Branch info
This branch meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 20:00 in the Volunteers Bar, Edward Brooks Bks.
South East Kent
This branch meet on the Last Thursday of: Jan (AGM), March, June, September and November.
No branch info
This branch meet at the Warminster Conservative Club 19:30 for 20:00
on the 1st April, 3rd June, 2nd September, 2nd December.
Winchester & District
This branch meet every 2nd Tues of the month at Sir John Moore Bks, ATR Winchester
This branch meet at the Wakefield TAC at 19:30 for 20:00 on the 4th Tuesday every month
except December, January and Febuary
To contact any of the above go to this link and click on Branches: